In every meal I made, I think I got better and better and better. Every meal had its flaw but they got smaller. I think this project was very successful. In all I think I had good progress as it went on.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Learning Journal #5
This week I made chili, beans, and white rice. It turned out great. My mom and I mixed it all together and it tasted amazing.
I thought it was a great meal. The only thing I can think of to do better is make more in the pot.
Learning Journal #4
Today I made tacos, rice, and beans. My taco meat was good, but the shells got a little soggy. I don't really know how. Other than that the meal was ok.
The meal was fine and I know should probably figure out what I did wrong with the taco shell.
Learning Journal #3
I was a little more successful. This tine I made fish sticks,macaroni and cheese, and rolls. I did ok. The fish sticks were ok, but I burned the rolls. I also used to much milk in the Mac and cheese.
Next time I can measure the milk instead of winging it like I did. Also I could cook the rolls for longer. I can also buy a better brand of fish sticks.
Learning Journal #2
Summary This week wasn't very successful. I was making spagatti and garlic bread. For starters the noodles weren't fully cooked. Then, I burned my hand pulling the bread out of the oven. The sauce was bland and no one was around to eat it so no it wasn't successful.
Next time I might want to try to cook the noodles longer. Also I should add a little seasoning to the sauce. And maybe I should get a more protective oven glove.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Should High School Last 6 Years?
No, no, no absolutely not. I will not do two extra years of high school just so I can graduate and go back to school. No!
Honestly, if you watch as much TV as I do you tend to pick up the fact that high school sometimes is the worst years of your life or the best. Never in between. I will not do it!
There might be upsides to an extra two years of high school but there are just as many downs.
Like, why would someone spread out the work. In many past years students smart and not so smart have finished the work of high school in only four.
Plus, don't you think that many of us need to become successful at a younger age rather than older. I know there's only a two year difference. But, time is a luxery most of us don't have.
It also wouldn't be fair. What if we do make it to where we have six years, huh. Other school distructs will only do four and they will get to the jobs. And need I remind you it is becoming harder and harder to get a job graduateing from high school or college.
The working economy is becoming less realistic to find a job. So many people are struggling to find a job it will only get worse. Holding us back of presuming our careers and lives is pure torture.
In the future it will become almost impossible to get a job. And the only way you might find a job is if the person you are in line for will have to die or retire. Imagine if we do add two years. We will be less likely to ever get a job. I can't speak for everyone but I personally don't like school. No offense. I don't want to be here an extra two years. In those two years some people can become successful billionaires selling the top product in the country.
Honestly, all those extra years do is hold us back from growing up and starting our lives. It seems hardly fair don't you agree.
In conclusion do you see the problem with adding those two extra dreaded years will do any benefit here.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Thanksgiving Traditions
Well, in my family we have traditions but, nothing set in stone. Like we always go to my grandparents on my dad's side. We have done that for many years now and now that we live closer there's no hassle.
But, that is just one of the few traditions. Theres another one that I believe my mom doesn't think about. After we eat my mom lays down in my grandparents bedroom and sleeps intill my dad finishes watching football.
Another one would have to be watching the Cowboys game. We watch it every year. And I mean every year! My papaw and my dad and sometimes my Uncle Eli watch it.
Although they do that Daken and I ride the four wheelers on the ranch. I ride the red and blue stick shift. Daken rides the small camp automatic. All very fun!
One time I scareded one of the cows so bad he freaked out and ran into a tree. I laughed so hard I didn't see where I was going and got stuck and had walk back.
This last time my brother got the four wheeler stuck under the trampoline and then he tried to steal my four wheeler. But, I took the key with me as I went to get my dad.
Another tradition is having a variety of gravy because my mom can't stand giblets. They are gross but, I don't eat gravy so it doesn't bother me.
Cabbage is now banned from Saurage family Thanksgivings. My brother has a phobia and throws up at the sight. I'm pretty sure he forces himself but, whatever!
If you couldn't tell yet we have many traditions even my family didn't know of. But, they happen constantly and every year some of them even apply to other holidays.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Learning Journal #1
While making my meal for my family I had decided on Hamburger Helper. I didn't get to finish because it got all messed up. I ended up making scrabbled eggs, fried ham pieces, sausage links, and croissant rolls. It ended up being good but it was difficult.
While making my meal for my family I had decided on Hamburger Helper. I didn't get to finish because it got all messed up. I ended up making scrabbled eggs, fried ham pieces, sausage links, and croissant rolls. It ended up being good but it was difficult.
Now, that I know what to next time I make dinner it will be something closer to my abilities. Maybe something a little simpler like, hot dogs or chicken nuggets or something like that. Easy but, not to easy.
Christmas List
Dear Santa,
I would like to propose a trade. I will give you cookies and warm milk plus carrots for your reindeer. All you have to do is provide me with some of the presents on my list. Its not like I don't deserve it I have minimized my hitting of Daken and been insulting him rather then hitting him. That counts for something...........right. Well, any ways I am going to make a list of what I want and if you can find in your heart to give just a few I will be grateful.
Cali Saurage
I would like to propose a trade. I will give you cookies and warm milk plus carrots for your reindeer. All you have to do is provide me with some of the presents on my list. Its not like I don't deserve it I have minimized my hitting of Daken and been insulting him rather then hitting him. That counts for something...........right. Well, any ways I am going to make a list of what I want and if you can find in your heart to give just a few I will be grateful.
- iPad Air
- Beats by Dre
- ITunes card
- Concert Tickets (Imagine Dragons, Katy Perry, One Direction)
- Sperry's
- Miss Me Jeans
- Clothes
- Mortal Instruments: City of Bones Movie
- Boots
- Otter Box (iPhone 4)
- North face
Cali Saurage
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Assignment #8
Have you ever noticed the difficulty of writing or doing something with the only rule is to do what you want. I find it difficult and I think others do. Writing without a prompt sounds fun and easy but comes as hard to think of your own prompt. I couldn't come up with one personally so, I have taken it upon my self to write of the hardness to come up with a new prompt on my own.
Although usually it is hard to write or post under the prompt given by Mr.Mein I have found this harder. But, I do however appreciate the no amount of words rule, it does come to my use. I mean this is a great assignment for those who have a good idea and want to express it. I was going to write my Billy Bob Junior Pt. 1&2, but sadly I left my spiral at school (:[ frown face).
I do know I am not the only person doing this prompt, but in my opinion min e is better. How so? Well, the answer is quite simple, I am simply awesome. Now, I know you are reading this and saying that's a stupid answer or why would she put that, but its true. I am just awesome.
Now, I have read my paper over and have realized this was not as hard as I thought. I now think we should do more of these. I had fun and hope you will find it in your heart to give me an A. Ha ha just kidding a B+ works, too!
Learning Journal
I am doing my learning journal on making dinner for my family. I spoke to my dad and I will be making dinner once a week but, one will have to be twice because I missed the first week.
Although usually it is hard to write or post under the prompt given by Mr.Mein I have found this harder. But, I do however appreciate the no amount of words rule, it does come to my use. I mean this is a great assignment for those who have a good idea and want to express it. I was going to write my Billy Bob Junior Pt. 1&2, but sadly I left my spiral at school (:[ frown face).
I do know I am not the only person doing this prompt, but in my opinion min e is better. How so? Well, the answer is quite simple, I am simply awesome. Now, I know you are reading this and saying that's a stupid answer or why would she put that, but its true. I am just awesome.
Now, I have read my paper over and have realized this was not as hard as I thought. I now think we should do more of these. I had fun and hope you will find it in your heart to give me an A. Ha ha just kidding a B+ works, too!
Learning Journal
I am doing my learning journal on making dinner for my family. I spoke to my dad and I will be making dinner once a week but, one will have to be twice because I missed the first week.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
My Brother
The one thing that drives me crazy is my brother. But, what drives me insane is his inabbility to stay quiet. When we are in the car he yells, I mean screams to get our attention.
My brother is annoying, loud, jumpy, etc. Watch out or he'll scream in your face. Even when I was four and he was not even a year old I knew he would be a devil child. I even told my parents to take him back when he got back from the hospital. But, thay just didn't listen.
Like any good big sister I push his buttons. You now the usual! When I do this however the way he expresses his anger is very loud. He screams, then kicks, then screams again, and so forth.
He's quite annoying if I do say so my self (and loud). Plus, he's not just loud, he's obnoxious. It's not just when he's mad, he's loud when he's happy. Well, sometimes he's fake excited. Like when he gets a present not very good he makes a face. It's a smile, but you can tell its fake.
Another annoying reason (of the many) he is who I chose is when he claims that every thing is his. If I or anyone says "I've been looking for these sunglasses." He will argue with you even if they are pink and say girlie girl on the side (and no I don't own pink sunglasses that say girlie girl).
I remember on time Daken came into Wally World with me and as I was paying and the cashier was putting it in the bag he grabbed the bag and ran. Once I caught up to him and asked him what happened he explained to me that I owe him something. Which oddly enough I always owe him something.
All these reasons and more (many more) enable him to get under my skin.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Why are polar bears white?: Summary
This article tells of the way polar bears are white or not so white. Polar bears are not actually white, believe it or not. Their hairs are hollow and transparent. They have coat of long hairs of short hair and another of long. Both being clear! They appear to be white because they reflect the ice and snow surrounding them. Polar bears don't always appear white sometimes they look as green as algae. They only are that way if you find a polar bear in a zoo. They usually are near mucky green water or a couple of plants. Giving this green glow. The article even tells about that scientists believe that polar bears are relatives of the brown bears. They believe that polar bears came to the arctic and the way they adapted was to change the color of their hairs. And that's how the white or not so white polar bear came to be.
Why are polar bears white?: Reflective
So how did polar bears that live in a snowy-white world come to have white fur? Believe it or not, their hair isn’t actually white! Their long outer hairs, which protect their soft, thick undercoat, are hollow and transparent. The thinner hairs of their undercoat are also colorless. Polar bear hair looks white because the air spaces in the hairs scatter light of all colors. When something reflects all of the visible wavelengths of light, we see the color white. Some scientists believe the polar bear was once a close relative to the brown bear. They think that, over time, polar bears moved to the Arctic, where they adapted to their surroundings by developing fur that would help them blend in with the harsh, white Arctic ice. Not all polar bears look white, though. If you’ve ever seen a polar bear in a zoo, you may have noticed that its fur can appear almost green. Scientists discovered that algae from the pond waters in the bears’ enclosures made the bears turn green. They learned these algae were found not on the surface of the hairs but inside the hollow hairs!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
- Although fun, 7th grade is really tiring!! Staying up late to finish the school assignments from earlier that day.
- Another thing that makes it so tiring is the longer school days.
- Plus, waking up earlier to get to school is really tiring.
- I for one mope around from classroom to classroom with tired eyes and a sore body.
- For only a short period of time in the day I'm not that tired and this time is after lunch.
- If you are in athletics or P.E. you come out exhausted and sweaty. Just another factor that makes the school day tiring.
- Sometimes I'm so tired I have to juggle everything and it just makes me tired.
- There are so many things to do with so little time and energy to do them.
- Not only is it difficult and tiring it's all confusing!
- Sometimes on the weekend I am so exhausted I do nothing but around all day.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Blah Days
I woke up this morning planning on cleaning my room, relaxing, hanging out with friends before my dance competition . But, none of that happened. I was sitting on the couch about to get up to get some water when the screen on my phone began to flash. I rolled over to see it was, it was my mom. I answered the phone, and found out my grandpa had a heart attack earlier that day while sitting at home. As I began to cry my mom told me we had to drive to San Antonio to see if he would be OK. Well, I ran to my room to grab my stuff. I packed my earphones, phone charger, books, an extra pair of clothes, and my dance costume and makeup.
As I walked out my mom was standing there. She looked terrible, her face was red and puffy (from crying), she had changed out of her work clothes and was wearing a purple track suit. My father came up trudging behind her. Clearly trying to look strong for the rest of us. My dad began to speak (holding back sniffles) "Is everybody ready." We all had are heads down nodding in reply. The whole ride there was dead silent. We all got out of the car at the sight of "Saint Mary's Hospital". My mom walked up to the front desk to check-in.
I however went to the soda machine grabbing two Dr. Peppers, one for me the other for my brother. I sat down in the uncomfortable, plastic benches. A few moments later my mother sat next to me. I didn't look up from my book, "The Hunger Games". We sat in silence, then the nurse called our names. We all slowly, but surely got up. We shuffled over to room 112C. And there lying on the bed motionless was grandpa. The only way to tell he was still alive was the slow movement of his chest, up and down, up and down.
My brother began to move forward but, stopped at the sight of the tubes. He slowly made his way back to my mothers arms. They hugged each other, silently sobbing. They pulled away and we all stared at my quiet, motionless grandpa. Who had always been such full of life. The doctor came to approach and my mother took a step back falling in to a near by chair. We all began to help her and she motion us away.
The doctor told us in was only a minor heart attack and he would be fine tomorrow. My mother hid her face in her hands and began to cradle my brother. Were as my father and I stood like stone walls. It was only 9:00 A.M. and we were all tired my dad took my brother and I to go check into a hotel. My mom said she wanted to have a little while with her father. So, we left. My dad drove to a near by Marriott and we began to get a room.
When I saw a girl from my dance team sitting down finishing her breakfast. She began to approach. I stood there waiting for her to come next to me. She spoke, "So are you staying for here for the competition too." I nodded my head and turned toward my dad. She walked away and my dad looked down at me. He told me I might not get to dance because of the whole grandpa thing, he told me it was up to my mom. I went on up to my room and began to unpack.
I went to lay down before I had to go back to the hospital. It was 1:00 P.M. , We went on back to other and I began to plead to her she said she would think about it. I went back to my chair and waited two whole hours. I walked back up to her and before I could say anything she told me I could, as long as my dad took me and I came straight back. I hugged her with gratitude and turned toward my dad he told me if we were to go I would have to hurry. I ran to the restroom and threw on my costume and applied my makeup hastily. I hopped out of the restroom and dashed for the car. By the time I got there my father had already had my stuff folded nicely and had the engine roaring.
Ironically it was in San Antonio, same town as the hospital. My dad drove full speed for the AT&T Center. We got out of the car, bought the tickets, signed in, and ran for the warm up room. Dodging nachos, sodas, and flying corn dogs. I finally reached the practice area were my team was standing.
I explained the whole situation to my coach and began to stretch with the rest of my team. Our seven minutes were up. We were next. I have been to many competitions before but, something about this one made me really nervous. As I began to work up a sweat we skipped and hopped our way out to the dance mats. As the song "Car wash" played from the huge speakers on all sides of us we danced our hearts out.
That night we brought home first place, sportsmanship award, an the cutest costume. My grandpa was up and moving around. My brother for once in his life was being sweet. My dad was in the best mood ever and took us out for ice cream. And last but not least my mother was as bright as ever and felt great. I got to miss school the next day and had no extra work. And went shopping. I felt great! Who knew such a bad day could become one of the best days of my life!!
As I walked out my mom was standing there. She looked terrible, her face was red and puffy (from crying), she had changed out of her work clothes and was wearing a purple track suit. My father came up trudging behind her. Clearly trying to look strong for the rest of us. My dad began to speak (holding back sniffles) "Is everybody ready." We all had are heads down nodding in reply. The whole ride there was dead silent. We all got out of the car at the sight of "Saint Mary's Hospital". My mom walked up to the front desk to check-in.
I however went to the soda machine grabbing two Dr. Peppers, one for me the other for my brother. I sat down in the uncomfortable, plastic benches. A few moments later my mother sat next to me. I didn't look up from my book, "The Hunger Games". We sat in silence, then the nurse called our names. We all slowly, but surely got up. We shuffled over to room 112C. And there lying on the bed motionless was grandpa. The only way to tell he was still alive was the slow movement of his chest, up and down, up and down.
My brother began to move forward but, stopped at the sight of the tubes. He slowly made his way back to my mothers arms. They hugged each other, silently sobbing. They pulled away and we all stared at my quiet, motionless grandpa. Who had always been such full of life. The doctor came to approach and my mother took a step back falling in to a near by chair. We all began to help her and she motion us away.
The doctor told us in was only a minor heart attack and he would be fine tomorrow. My mother hid her face in her hands and began to cradle my brother. Were as my father and I stood like stone walls. It was only 9:00 A.M. and we were all tired my dad took my brother and I to go check into a hotel. My mom said she wanted to have a little while with her father. So, we left. My dad drove to a near by Marriott and we began to get a room.
When I saw a girl from my dance team sitting down finishing her breakfast. She began to approach. I stood there waiting for her to come next to me. She spoke, "So are you staying for here for the competition too." I nodded my head and turned toward my dad. She walked away and my dad looked down at me. He told me I might not get to dance because of the whole grandpa thing, he told me it was up to my mom. I went on up to my room and began to unpack.
I went to lay down before I had to go back to the hospital. It was 1:00 P.M. , We went on back to other and I began to plead to her she said she would think about it. I went back to my chair and waited two whole hours. I walked back up to her and before I could say anything she told me I could, as long as my dad took me and I came straight back. I hugged her with gratitude and turned toward my dad he told me if we were to go I would have to hurry. I ran to the restroom and threw on my costume and applied my makeup hastily. I hopped out of the restroom and dashed for the car. By the time I got there my father had already had my stuff folded nicely and had the engine roaring.
Ironically it was in San Antonio, same town as the hospital. My dad drove full speed for the AT&T Center. We got out of the car, bought the tickets, signed in, and ran for the warm up room. Dodging nachos, sodas, and flying corn dogs. I finally reached the practice area were my team was standing.
I explained the whole situation to my coach and began to stretch with the rest of my team. Our seven minutes were up. We were next. I have been to many competitions before but, something about this one made me really nervous. As I began to work up a sweat we skipped and hopped our way out to the dance mats. As the song "Car wash" played from the huge speakers on all sides of us we danced our hearts out.
That night we brought home first place, sportsmanship award, an the cutest costume. My grandpa was up and moving around. My brother for once in his life was being sweet. My dad was in the best mood ever and took us out for ice cream. And last but not least my mother was as bright as ever and felt great. I got to miss school the next day and had no extra work. And went shopping. I felt great! Who knew such a bad day could become one of the best days of my life!!

Sunday, October 6, 2013
How To Become A Ninja!!!!!
1. Play Hide And Seek In The Dark, This Trains Stealth And Cunning.
2. Climb Trees, this will make you stronger and more flexible. If you can already do this, advance to harder trees that have fewer branches.
3. Play Tag, This Will Train You To Run Faster And Longer, And Will Train Your Agility!
4. Spar with sticks, this will simulate sword and staff combat. But winning with strength alone is not a good idea, because there can always be someone stronger than you.
5. Practice walking quietly, rolling your feet and using your hips to allow wide steps, and breath evenly.
6. Use nature as an advantage(like your local forest)to help you hide better in your dangerous missions, like take advantage of a running stream to hide noises.
7. Train your stamina , go for jogs with friends, and control your breathing. Take deep breaths and slowly exhale, and make sure you warm up and down and stretch.
8. Eat healthy foods, with an exception for special occasions. Refined foods like white bread are the worst for you because they stiffen joints and damage cartilage.
9. Learn martial arts, as it will give you flexibility, self-defense, personal philosophy in combat.
10. Punch and kick the heavy bag, this will increase your punching and kicking power.
11. If you have a dog, give it a toy (or bone) and have it run around the house. Chase it and this will help your endurance, and speed. And when your wife or husband (if you have one) tells you to walk or play with the dog, here's a good way, too.
12. Try jumping on something up and down a couple times each day, then try to make it higher.
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