As I walked out my mom was standing there. She looked terrible, her face was red and puffy (from crying), she had changed out of her work clothes and was wearing a purple track suit. My father came up trudging behind her. Clearly trying to look strong for the rest of us. My dad began to speak (holding back sniffles) "Is everybody ready." We all had are heads down nodding in reply. The whole ride there was dead silent. We all got out of the car at the sight of "Saint Mary's Hospital". My mom walked up to the front desk to check-in.
I however went to the soda machine grabbing two Dr. Peppers, one for me the other for my brother. I sat down in the uncomfortable, plastic benches. A few moments later my mother sat next to me. I didn't look up from my book, "The Hunger Games". We sat in silence, then the nurse called our names. We all slowly, but surely got up. We shuffled over to room 112C. And there lying on the bed motionless was grandpa. The only way to tell he was still alive was the slow movement of his chest, up and down, up and down.
My brother began to move forward but, stopped at the sight of the tubes. He slowly made his way back to my mothers arms. They hugged each other, silently sobbing. They pulled away and we all stared at my quiet, motionless grandpa. Who had always been such full of life. The doctor came to approach and my mother took a step back falling in to a near by chair. We all began to help her and she motion us away.
The doctor told us in was only a minor heart attack and he would be fine tomorrow. My mother hid her face in her hands and began to cradle my brother. Were as my father and I stood like stone walls. It was only 9:00 A.M. and we were all tired my dad took my brother and I to go check into a hotel. My mom said she wanted to have a little while with her father. So, we left. My dad drove to a near by Marriott and we began to get a room.
When I saw a girl from my dance team sitting down finishing her breakfast. She began to approach. I stood there waiting for her to come next to me. She spoke, "So are you staying for here for the competition too." I nodded my head and turned toward my dad. She walked away and my dad looked down at me. He told me I might not get to dance because of the whole grandpa thing, he told me it was up to my mom. I went on up to my room and began to unpack.
I went to lay down before I had to go back to the hospital. It was 1:00 P.M. , We went on back to other and I began to plead to her she said she would think about it. I went back to my chair and waited two whole hours. I walked back up to her and before I could say anything she told me I could, as long as my dad took me and I came straight back. I hugged her with gratitude and turned toward my dad he told me if we were to go I would have to hurry. I ran to the restroom and threw on my costume and applied my makeup hastily. I hopped out of the restroom and dashed for the car. By the time I got there my father had already had my stuff folded nicely and had the engine roaring.
Ironically it was in San Antonio, same town as the hospital. My dad drove full speed for the AT&T Center. We got out of the car, bought the tickets, signed in, and ran for the warm up room. Dodging nachos, sodas, and flying corn dogs. I finally reached the practice area were my team was standing.
I explained the whole situation to my coach and began to stretch with the rest of my team. Our seven minutes were up. We were next. I have been to many competitions before but, something about this one made me really nervous. As I began to work up a sweat we skipped and hopped our way out to the dance mats. As the song "Car wash" played from the huge speakers on all sides of us we danced our hearts out.
That night we brought home first place, sportsmanship award, an the cutest costume. My grandpa was up and moving around. My brother for once in his life was being sweet. My dad was in the best mood ever and took us out for ice cream. And last but not least my mother was as bright as ever and felt great. I got to miss school the next day and had no extra work. And went shopping. I felt great! Who knew such a bad day could become one of the best days of my life!!

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